Tuesday, July 23, 2013

(Working Title) Day 3

Bah. This writing thing is hard work! I work all day and when I get a minute I jot down a few sentences. But when I get home I feel the urge to just let the ink flow! I've never been a particularly creative person before trying to write a book. Suddenly though I find myself not being able to keep up with my brain. I really need to start typing this thing up so that I can start getting some feedback but I just can't bring myself to do it. That feels like actual work, not the fun work that I have when I'm writing new things. Oh well maybe on a day when I just can't seem to get anything going. Pages Written: 45 Pages Typed : < 1

Sunday, July 21, 2013

(Working Title) Day 2

So I decided to Upload a photo of my notebook. My hand is cramping like nobody's business but I feel like writing this by hand is more authentic if you will. It's almost therapeutic writing this story by hand. I'm really having an awesome time writing this book. I will eventually get to work typing it up and posting some samples for you to take a look at. Who knows maybe I actually can write well and I just found my new job. Please feel free to leave words of encouragement and or discouragement. Anything helps! Pages Written: 38 Pages Typed: < 1

Saturday, July 20, 2013

(Working Title) Day 1

I've started this blog to track my progress on something new and interesting that I've decided to do. I'm writing a book! I don't have a title yet hence the name but I do have quite the grand vision. It's going to be a Sci-Fi adventure set far in the future. I'm pretty excited about it. So far I have written about 35 pages, by hand. I'm slowly starting to type it up so I can eventually share bits and pieces here with you for feedback and or scathing criticism. Thanks for reading and if you have any ideas for a book title please feel free to share! Jon